FilterAllUncategorizedThe Legacy of HarlemLIVEPublicationsSection A: The Accidental EducatorSection B: The Story of HarlemLIVESection C: Universal ComponentsSection D: Alumni Updates Local NewslettersUncategorizedPublicationsLocal NewslettersHarlemLIVEFebruary 20, 2024 About This BookUncategorizedAbout This BookHarlemLIVEOctober 13, 2023 The Legacy of HarlemLIVE: Empowering Youth Through Journalism and Experiential LearningPublicationsThe Legacy of HarlemLIVE: Empowering Youth Through Journalism and Experiential LearningHarlemLIVEMay 8, 2023 Section A: THE ACCIDENTAL EDUCATORThe Legacy of HarlemLIVESection A: THE ACCIDENTAL EDUCATORHarlemLIVEMay 8, 2023 Ch 1 – Unconventional Paths: From California to NYCSection A: The Accidental EducatorCh 1 – Unconventional Paths: From California to NYCHarlemLIVEMay 4, 2023 Ch 2: In the Trenches: A Fight for EducationSection A: The Accidental EducatorCh 2: In the Trenches: A Fight for EducationHarlemLIVEMay 3, 2023 Ch 3: Teaching Beyond the WallsSection A: The Accidental EducatorCh 3: Teaching Beyond the WallsHarlemLIVEMay 2, 2023 Section B: THE STORY OF HARLEMLIVEThe Legacy of HarlemLIVESection B: The Story of HarlemLIVESection B: THE STORY OF HARLEMLIVEHarlemLIVEMay 15, 2023 Ch 8 – Building Blocks and Empowerment: HOW TO for HarlemLIVESection B: The Story of HarlemLIVECh 8 – Building Blocks and Empowerment: HOW TO for HarlemLIVEHarlemLIVEMay 11, 2023